rants and chatter designed to impress my new boss...and you of course

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Red Flag of the Week


This week's red flag is brought to you by the letter E!  E stands for earrings, but applies to all piercings.   There was a time where it may have enhanced your dateablility, but you have now missed that opportunity to bling (circa 2001) 

it's the remix to ignition

**Disclaimer: Red flags are not always deal breakers.  They mean to serve as a point in which you should stop and ask yourself, “Does this signify a deeper problem?”  Red flags are also limited to things people choose to do, not things in which they have no control over. 

1 comment:

  1. when i was 15 i was really into guys who wore, like, bottle caps in their ears instead of earrings as they were stretching their ears. red flag? yes.
