rants and chatter designed to impress my new boss...and you of course

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

safe haven?

For the most part, I love my living situation. Good roommates. Close to the beach. Creative freedom in room decor...etc

However, like everywhere, there are a few faults worth listing

Top 5 as of 4/22
1. trees that dent my car with pine cones. 
2. the smell of my room when Miss Morgan cooks with garlic or onions (which is every night) *is this because the floor is old and thin, in which case I need to be far more concerned with crushing heather?
3. the freaking vanguard softball team. a.k.a. super loud giants who apparently can't hit the ball unless they repeat a rhyme in unison to, I don't know, remind them which game they are playing? what team they are on? what day it is?
4."i have 9 dogs" lady
5. our parking policy: if you are above 40, male, and/or the owner of a red LeSabre, it is just fine to park in the alley directly behind our garage door. 

here's to you c.m.

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